

1. Use of cookies

The website distritodigital.es is owned by Distrito Digital C.B. uses cookies.

Cookies are files that are downloaded to your computer when accessing certain web pages. Cookies allow a web page, among other things, to store and retrieve information about the browsing habits of a user or their equipment and, depending on the information they contain and the way in which they use their equipment.

In addition, they improve your browsing process, since they allow the web page to offer the user information that may be of interest to you depending on the use you make, of its content.

If you do not want to receive cookies, please configure your Internet browser so that it deletes them from your computer’s hard drive, blocks them or notifies you if they are installed. To continue without changing your cookie settings, simply continue on the website.

2. Consent

The cookies we use do not store any personal data, or any type of information that can identify you, unless you want to register, voluntarily in order to use the services that we make available to you or to receive information about promotions and content of interest to you.

Al navegar por primera vez por nuestra web aparecerá un banner advirtiendo del uso de las cookies. Al aceptarlo nos indica que está consintiendo el uso de las cookies antes enunciadas, y en las condiciones contenidas en la presente política de cookies. Este consentimiento es válido por un periodo de 13 meses. En caso de no estar de acuerdo puede rechazarlas desde el mismo banner.

3. Types and purpose of cookies

Cookies, depending on their permanence, can be classified into:

  • Session cookies: they expire when the user closes the browser.
  • Persistent cookies: they expire depending on when the purpose for which they serve is fulfilled (for example, so that the user remains identified on the website and its services or when they are manually deleted).

Las cookies en función de su objetivo pueden clasificarse de la siguiente forma:

  • Cookies de registro (técnicas y de personalización): Las Cookies de registro se generan una vez que el usuario se ha registrado o posteriormente ha abierto su sesión, y se utilizan para identificarle en los servicios con los siguientes objetivos:
    • Keeping the User identified so that, if he closes a service, the browser or the computer and at another time or another day enters said service again, he will continue to be identified, thus facilitating his navigation without having to identify himself again. This functionality can be suppressed if the user clicks on the “log off” functionality, so that this Cookie is deleted and the next time the user enters the service, the user will have to log in to be identified.
    • Comprobar si el usuario está autorizado para acceder a ciertos servicios, por ejemplo, para participar en un concurso.
  • Analytics Cookies: Every time a User visits a service or information on the website or a tool from an external provider (Google Analytics, Comscore and the like, which may be added to this list if they vary from the current ones) generates an analytical cookie on the user’s computer. This cookie, which is only generated during the visit, will be used on future visits to the website services to anonymously identify the visitor. The main objectives pursued are:
    • Allow the anonymous identification of browsing users through the cookie (identifies browsers and devices, not people) and therefore the approximate accounting of the number of visitors and their trend over time.
    • Identify anonymously the most visited content and therefore most attractive to users.
    • Saber si el usuario que está accediendo es nuevo o repite visita. Importante: Salvo que el usuario decida registrarse en algún servicio o contenido de la página web, la cookie nunca irá asociada a ningún dato de carácter personal que pueda identificarle. Dichas Cookies sólo serán utilizadas con propósitos estadísticos que ayuden a la optimización de la experiencia de los usuarios en la página web.

4. How to block or eliminate installed cookies

You can allow, block or delete cookies installed on your computer by configuring your browser options. You can find information on how to do it, in relation to the most common browsers, in the links that are included below:

We inform you, however, of the possibility that the deactivation of any cookie prevents or hinders navigation or the provision of the services offered on the website.

5. Modifications

The website distritodigital.es is owned by Distrito Digital C.B. You can modify this cookie policy based on legal requirements, or in order to adapt said policy to the instructions issued by the Spanish Agency for Data Protection.

For this reason, we advise users to visit it periodically. When significant changes occur in this cookie policy, users will be notified either through the web or through email to registered users.


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